Tuesday, March 29, 2016

unit 7 reflection

This unit, we learned about muscles and mobility. We started the unit by learning about the different movements different body parts can execute. Afterward, we started to dig deeper on the muscular system. When it comes to labeling and classifying in anatomy, you have to be very exact, which is why we had to memorize various terms that determine the size, shape, and action of a muscle. A way for us to understand the anatomy and physiology different muscles was the chicken dissection lab. We sliced open a chicken and looked at all of the different muscles. We labeled them and saw how they were structured on the chicken.

We also learned the different functions of what happens inside the muscle and my group made a muscle contraction video. Last but not least, we learned about the harms of performance enhancement supplementals. A lot of them such as caffeine, high protein diet, or creatine can either be completely harmful, or safe if used in moderation. My partner and I made an interesting and comical high protein diet ad.
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Moving forward, I went to learn different techniques to easily gain muscles in certain area. I want to understand the perfect balance of protein, exercise, and nutrients to have a body with a healthy amount of muscle.

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