Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Chicken Dissection Lab

I came in during that last ten minutes of class because of a doctor’s appointment so I wasn’t able to contribute a whole lot to the lab experience. However, my lab partners filled me in that they first got a whole raw chicken and made sure the drumstick was facing toward them. Then, they cut off some of the skin and started dissecting the chicken. They started intricately cutting the chicken to show each muscle.

As all organisms have different qualities that depict how they function, chicken, and humans alike, have different muscles bones and tendons that each play a huge role in their movement. The tendon in the chicken is what binds the muscle to the bone. The bones allow body parts to be flexible and move in different directions. Muscles help our bones move altogether. The pectoralis major give the shoulder movement, biceps give our arms movement, and the sartorius gives our legs movement.

Chicken muscles and human muscles have many similarities and differences. A chicken has deltoids, triceps, and biceps. Those are the essential muscles in a human arm that allows it to move properly. Also, both humans and chickens have tendons that perform the same function: attaching muscles to the bone. Another quality is that humans and chickens have the sartorius muscle and it is around the thigh area

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