Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lab: Measuring Blood Pressure

1. Diastole (second sound)  is during the time while the heart is relaxed. Therefore, the pressure goes down because there is no blood pumping into the system. As for the systole (first sound), it is the contraction of the ventricle (pressure when the heart contracts). In my case, the systole was around 115-123 and the diastole was around 70-72.

2. The stethoscope is used to measure the heart rate and the sphygmomanometer is used to measure blood pressure. 

3. Using your thumb to measure pulse is not ideal because it also has a pulse and can confuse with the counting. Therefore, people use their index or middle fingertips. 

4. With a deflated air bladder, wrap it around your lower bicep, make sure that the bulb and pump are on the downside (toward your hand). After, start pumping it to inflate the air bladder. At this time, keep letting the air go and look at the bulb to carefully to sense when the first heart rate is (gives you systole). While the second pump is the diastole. 

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