Friday, October 9, 2015

Unit 2 Reflection

Within the health triangle: Mental, social, and physical, one must achieve balance and homeostasis within these three power groups in order to stay "healthy." In simpler terms, it is better for one to be physically and mentally well in order to stay healthy. The 5 Pillars of Heath are nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, and social. These are guidelines to crafting one's personal and healthy lifestyle.

As a student at SHS, I believe that I am probably healthier than the rest of my school since I am more exposed to the importance of keeping your mind and body healthy. While most of my peers are taking hard AP course, I on the other hand am taking a class that is enforcing good daily habits. With that said, I have been seeing my diet slowly evolve into a much healthier one. 
The following is a picture of me over the summer (08/07/15) eating In N Out as a late night snack. I tended to get stressed out because of college apps so I directed all of the tension to stress eating and indulging way too much. I ate many foods without even thinking about the nutrition. I didn't ever put into consideration all of the trans and saturated fats that I was putting into my body. However, after learning about all the bad fats, good fats, minerals, vitamins, and proteins I should be consuming, I have a better idea of the foods that I should be eating. 

As a starting of the new school year, I have decided to start cooking some of my own meals, really stressing that I am getting organic and fresh ingredients from high end super markets. It all may be pricier, but I believe that in the end, it really does pay off based on how much better I feel and look. With that, I have also gained a huge interest in cooking and in the long run, it has helped garner many of my better lifestyle habits. (Cooked spaghetti and meatballs.)

Later on, I started going on a vegan diet. Unprepared and not too knowledgable on nutrition yet, I took on the challenge. It was very difficult and painful at first, but then I started feeling much better about myself and it helped me mentally by believing that I can achieve anything as long as I put my mind to it. However, I quickly realized that I was not getting enough fat, dairy, or protein into my diet. At the same time, my diet was low on sugar as well because it was heavily plant based. Therefore, I got dizzy throughout the day because of low blood sugar. (picture taken at farmers market, eating strawberries.)
In the end, I came to terms with the best diet for me. I ate a lot of nutrient dense protein such as salmon. I made sure that I met all of my daily needs of fruits and vegetable easily. For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I make sure that I have at least one or two cups of soy milk. This has been a way better option for me because I feel a lot more energized and healthier throughout the day. What I eat has become a big deal to me and this unit has really drilled some great habits into my lifestyle. (Picture taken at Whole Food. Eating raw sushi fillets with mixed salad and water.)

As for coping with the stress of senior year, I have changed the direction of it by rather stress eating, I put my stress into exercise. I have picked up Bikram Yoga and not only has it helped with my physical balance, it has led me to have a stronger mentality. It is a very idyllic and euphoric sport. It is also high intensity, ensuring that it can fit my schedule for it does not take a lot of time.

After all that I have learned through health, I believe that I have this advantage compared to my peers is because I am taking a class based on health. Therefore, I am more aware of the benefits and importance of health. The best way to enlighten other students around school with these ideas is by creating clubs around campus that really emphasizes on whats really important in a young teenagers life: Health.
Obviously, the main understanding of this unit is a healthy lifestyle. I have taken what we have been learning in class into my real life and it has changed my life for the better. Everything that I have learned: Health, Nutrition, Sleep, Stress, and Social are all things that I will keep close to live a better life. However, something that I don't fully understand is the definition of being social. Personally, I don't believe having a lot of friends is necessarily social. Social is an abstract topic that it can be difficult to understand. As for the next unit, I plan on studying and reviewing more after each lecture.
My health goals are: To start getting 7-8 hours of sleep
Actions I will take: Taking advantage of my time (like finishing homework earlier) so I can sleep earlier.
I will know I have reached my goal when: I stop taking afternoon naps and start feeling more energized in the mornings. 
A healthy life is important to me because: I want to live a long and happy life with my loved ones. 

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