Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Unit 1 Reflection

This unit was about the basic of anatomy and physiology, in which we discovered the depth of "form fits function." After learning about the anatomical position, we learned that we have certain physical body parts that are responsible for a specific function. Also we learned about the tiny cells and tissues in our body. These work with the anatomy of our bodies to carry out different functions that allow us to live efficiently. Everything was based on the hierarchy of cell, tissue, organ, and organ system. I learned all kinds of new things about the epithelial cells, however most of it was a refresher from freshman biology. I will be taking the Bio SAT Subject test this coming October and what we learn in class gradually builds up all of the information that I need to know. I don't think that there is anything that I don't understand because I read through the text book, notes, and Bio SAT books thoroughly. What I can improve on next time is preparing better for the Temp Checks.

A lot of the things I learned relates to shows like "CSI" or "Grey's Anatomy." These over-dramatized shows often shows victims in the anatomical position. Now, I am able to identify the different injuries on their bodies.

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