Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tissue Lab

Through this lab, it is made clearer about the differentiation between the four kinds of tissues: Epithelial, Connective, Nervous, and Muscle. The connective tissues tend to have collagenous fibers (occasionally more elastic fibers than collagenous fibers). The reason for this is because it is supposed to bind, support, and strengthen body tissues. Therefore, it needs these fibers in order to do all of its diverse functions. Muscle tissues are composed of actin and myosin fibers. The three types are skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. They are used for the function of the body. Epithelial covers the skin and protects the entire body. Like how the stratified squamous is around the mouth and vagina to prevent abrasion and infection. The nervous tissues transmit electrical signals from sensory receptors to effectors. It is located in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It helps to restore the injury with inflammation and regeneration.

I noticed that each other the tissues were made to help protect one main part of out body. Like the epithelial is around the entire body which helps the outer side of the body. The nervous tissue detects any harm and then the connective tissue comes in to help protect and support. The muscular tissue gives human control on how their bodies move. In the end, humans have these certain tissues for very essential reasons. Likewise, a lot of these tissues are located in one specific part of the body and they work together to function properly. In the end, the form and position of each tissue ultimately fits its function.

When humans get sick, the nervous tissue responds with inflammation and regeneration. This is why certain areas of our bodies swell, gets warm or red, and is in pain. Another example of one of these tissues is the epithelial tissue. One of its functions is absorption, secretion, and ion transport. This is why it is bad to draw on our skin with harmful chemicals because in the end, it can get transferred into you body. But for the most part, it acts as a filter from these harmful things.

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