Monday, September 21, 2015

Nutrition Analysis

Through the results of tracking my diet, I have realized that maybe the reason that I have been losing so much weight recently is because I never reach the amount of calories I should be eating, yet I work out so much. Lately, I have been working on college apps and it has been stressing me out a lot, along with school work and extra circulars. Since the summer, I have dropped 20 pounds because I either have not had time to eat or forgot to eat. This has led to a major deficiency in protein and wheat. At school, I would have a bag of fruit and veggies with a carton or two of soy milk. Although my dairy seems to be lacking, I  have a pretty good amount of daily fruit and veggies. However, it is more difficult to carry about grain and protein because it tends to get messy. Therefore, I lack in those calories during the weekdays. But during the weekend, I have a lot more time to eat and spend more family time, which means that my diet is more well-balanced. Although my diet is more balanced, I have more empty calories consumed. 

Later on, I noticed how the Falcon Market activity went hand in hand with tracking my diet. Since I don't eat at fast food restaurants or go to cafes like Starbucks (simply because I have no time), It did help me understand the protein, calories, sugars, and fat in all kinds of processed foods; even fruit and veggies. I believe that I have a pretty clean diet in which all of the fresh produce I consume is either all natural or organic from high-end food stores. This is a great thing because these kinds of produces are cleaner and higher quality. However, according to my BMI, I am lacking in many different areas such as nutrition and calorie intake.

All I really need to do in order to fix these mistakes is by forcing myself to eat during appropriate times. I should have an alarm on my phone that reminds me to eat and I should get a lunch box that backs nutritiously balanced meals. Maybe homemade organic creamy avocado pesto pasta with shrimp or chicken and slices of roasted heirloom tomatoes could be one of the meals I eat for lunch or dinner (adds the protein and grain that is lacking in my current diet.) I should continue the bags of fruit for breakfast. However, I should pack some more cartons of soy milk or yogurt to ensure that I get enough dairy in my diet. For snacks, I should pack granola bars and mixed nuts for more good fats and protein. That will hopefully keep me more energized because throughout the day, I often times feel weak, tired, and dizzy. 

If I had the ability to coach someone on nutrition, I would first tell them that no matter what, you have time for your health so don't skimp out on the necessary nutrition required in order to function properly. Looking at my diet and lifestyle, it is not healthy how weak and tired I feel sometimes. Taking care of yourself is far more imperative than any test or college app. Following, I would advise them to shop at high end groceries stores to make sure that they are getting the quality produces that their body deserves. A diet that is heavily dairy and fruit based for breakfast is good because it can keep you going throughout the beginning of your day because the dairy keeps you full and the fruit is a huge requirement in the five food groups. Also, making sure to drink water is important. Dehydration can be very dangerous and one way to keep track of your hydration is by checking the color of your urine or using a water bottle that marks when and how much you should be drinking. For lunch and dinner, I would rely heavily on whole grain pastas and rice for enough grains. Grains offer carbs which give you the energy you need. It also keeps you full, along with protein. Protein helps you grow and build muscle. Something that is nutrient-dense like salmon or chicken/turkey breast is great because it has a plethora of the necessary vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, lean protein, and good fats that make up a healthy diet. Snacks should be foods that reinforce protein because a small amount of protein in just two meals is not enough. So keeping granola bars high in protein and mixed nuts are imperative to end the day with flying colors in all five food groups: grain, vegetable, fruit, dairy, and protein. With all of these combined, your body should have the right amount of nutrition for a healthy and happy lifestyle. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What is Health?

To me, being healthy means someone who is both physically and mentally well. I believe that I am strongest at exercise and sleep. I make sure that I run at least one mile every day at the gym and work on abs. At night, I make sure that I get at least 6 hours of sleep. During lunchtime, I usually drive home to take a 10 minute nap; and after school, I take a 1-2 hour nap. The pillar that needs the most improvement is nutrition. For example, all I had for dinner today was a Nutella sandwich simply because it was convenient. For breakfast, yes I have a bag of fruit but that's pretty much what I eat all day because at lunchtime I sleep instead of eat. With health, I want to learn some easy and fast recipes to keep my nutrition up and some efficient study habits so I am less stressed. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Unit 1 Reflection

This unit was about the basic of anatomy and physiology, in which we discovered the depth of "form fits function." After learning about the anatomical position, we learned that we have certain physical body parts that are responsible for a specific function. Also we learned about the tiny cells and tissues in our body. These work with the anatomy of our bodies to carry out different functions that allow us to live efficiently. Everything was based on the hierarchy of cell, tissue, organ, and organ system. I learned all kinds of new things about the epithelial cells, however most of it was a refresher from freshman biology. I will be taking the Bio SAT Subject test this coming October and what we learn in class gradually builds up all of the information that I need to know. I don't think that there is anything that I don't understand because I read through the text book, notes, and Bio SAT books thoroughly. What I can improve on next time is preparing better for the Temp Checks.

A lot of the things I learned relates to shows like "CSI" or "Grey's Anatomy." These over-dramatized shows often shows victims in the anatomical position. Now, I am able to identify the different injuries on their bodies.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tissue Lab

Through this lab, it is made clearer about the differentiation between the four kinds of tissues: Epithelial, Connective, Nervous, and Muscle. The connective tissues tend to have collagenous fibers (occasionally more elastic fibers than collagenous fibers). The reason for this is because it is supposed to bind, support, and strengthen body tissues. Therefore, it needs these fibers in order to do all of its diverse functions. Muscle tissues are composed of actin and myosin fibers. The three types are skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. They are used for the function of the body. Epithelial covers the skin and protects the entire body. Like how the stratified squamous is around the mouth and vagina to prevent abrasion and infection. The nervous tissues transmit electrical signals from sensory receptors to effectors. It is located in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It helps to restore the injury with inflammation and regeneration.

I noticed that each other the tissues were made to help protect one main part of out body. Like the epithelial is around the entire body which helps the outer side of the body. The nervous tissue detects any harm and then the connective tissue comes in to help protect and support. The muscular tissue gives human control on how their bodies move. In the end, humans have these certain tissues for very essential reasons. Likewise, a lot of these tissues are located in one specific part of the body and they work together to function properly. In the end, the form and position of each tissue ultimately fits its function.

When humans get sick, the nervous tissue responds with inflammation and regeneration. This is why certain areas of our bodies swell, gets warm or red, and is in pain. Another example of one of these tissues is the epithelial tissue. One of its functions is absorption, secretion, and ion transport. This is why it is bad to draw on our skin with harmful chemicals because in the end, it can get transferred into you body. But for the most part, it acts as a filter from these harmful things.