Friday, May 27, 2016

20 time reflection

I did my final project on outdoor art in which I had many trials and errors of creating something inspiring for people’s environments. I first wanted to create a mural but it didn’t work out because I didn’t have space for it. I then changed to a fire hydrant idea. Screen Shot 2016-05-23 at 10.13.16 PM.pngHowever, that idea was quickly shut down by a cop. However, shortly after, I created a play structure made of steel and wood and I hope to someday make it a big play structure. Screen Shot 2016-05-27 at 12.38.46 AM.png
I ended up giving it a presentation here
In the end, I think my Ted talk went well. I think that I showed a lot of the effort I put in. However, I lacked on speaking eloquently. I also lacked on giving good reference and raising awareness on the importance of our environment. From this experience, i became a little more confident speaking in front of a large group of people.
In the end, I think 20 time was a cool experience because it was something that I have never done before. I will be sure to use it as a reference for any future projects.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ted Talk Outline

I will start out with story with a background of art, how we function in different environments, and how I want to make my community and better and more exciting place.

To make my story more interesting, I will put in pictures of making my sculpture. I will also discuss the success and failure of each project to see how I developed when it came to problem solving and figuring out different ways to make a successful project.

I will conclude my story on the importance of art, giving back to the community, and about our mental and physical health (mention and go over the 5 pillars of health.)

The End of a New Beginning

My 20% project started out as a mural and it ended up being an outdoor installation. I decided to make this change because a mural would’ve taken too long, didn’t have a space for it, and it wouldn’t have been an interactive art piece. So midway through, I decided to do a fire hydrant art piece.

In this project, I challenged myself by working with what I had. I had to learn how to make a change of plans when something didn’t work out or if there was a better idea. I was more focused on creating something artistic that people can marvel at. We come from a community where things tend to be very stressful and a lot of pressure is put onto students and adults. It would be nice if someone went out on a walk to view beautiful art sculptures. It would be a change in environment to make people have a change of heart. The whole point of this project is to help others distress.

To achieve my goal, I went around my community trying to find areas where I can make a beautiful art piece in. I went around my area and decided that fire hydrants were the best bet. They were simple, fun, and accessible. It ended up being a success because I found fire hydrants to decorate.

Through this process, I learned that not everything works. Instead of trying to always make the original idea work, you can always improvise, find a better solution, or even create something better.

If I had this project again, I would probably plan everything out thoroughly before physically executing my plan. Since I didn’t really weigh the pros and cons of my initial idea, I just went for it and it ended up being a complete failure. That ended up wasting a lot of my time. So now, I have decided to just take more time planning rather taking more time doing.

After this project, I plan on going to art school to expand my skills as an artist to create outdoor installations more effectively and efficiently. I definitely want to pick up a new challenge and see how far this project goes in the near future. Maybe I can even create a big sculpture for the outdoors, or maybe even a better idea if I have more time and more inspiration around me.

Reflex Lab

This was a lab where my partner and I did certain tests to test our reflexes. We did one activity where one person was holding up a clear piece of plastic wrap and the other person is throwing cotton balls at them. Each time the cotton ball is approaching the eye, the person who is holding the plastic wrap can’t help but blink. This is because of the function of our neurons. The sensory function is when sensory receptors monitor changes inside and outside of the body to stimulate certain actions. The motor function effects a response by activating muscles or glands to physical do the movement. The integrative function processes and interprets the input. These functions work simultaneously and very quickly.

Photopupillary Reflex: Once the light was shined onto the naked eye, the pupil immediately shrunk smaller. Once the light was not in the eye, the pupil became a lot bigger. This happened because of the somatic nervous system. A nerve impulse was carried from the brain or spinal cord to the muscles and glands, causing a voluntarily control skeletal muscle in the eye to expand from bigger to smaller.

Knee Jerk Reflex: When the knee was lightly tapped, the leg kicked out immediately a little. This is due to the monosynaptic reflex because there is one one synapse in the circuit needed to complete the reflex. Once my partner tapped my knee, information is sent to the spinal cord. After one synapse in the ventral horn of the spinal cord, the information is sent back to the muscle, causing my leg to kick out.

Blink Reflex: We did one activity where one person was holding up a clear piece of plastic wrap and the other person is throwing cotton balls at them. Each time the cotton ball is approaching the eye, the person who is holding the plastic wrap can’t help but blink. This is because of the function of our neurons. The sensory function is when sensory receptors monitor changes inside and outside of the body to stimulate certain actions.

Babe, what’s your sign?: When I used a pen with a the cap on to drag it from the sole of the foot from the heel to the base of the big toe, her toes flexed and moved closer together. This is part of the autonomic nervous system where via parasympathetic, it counterbalances the effect of the sympathetic. It restores the body to a resting state following stress.

How Fast are You: When my partner dropped a meter stick, I caught it with an average time of 0.22 seconds. However, once we tested the same experiment while I was one my phone, my performance dropped dramatically with an average of 0.34 seconds. This is because your brain can’t multitask. Our brain is actually just jumping from one activity to the other. Therefore, my reflexes became a lot slower.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Brain Map

  1. The frontal lobe is in charge of controlling your personality, so it is very involved in problem solving, memory, and judgement. It also deals with our execution of behavior

2. Selective attention bases your intelligence off of how well you remember information. The selective attention makes your memory capacity broader, allowing you to prioritize more and sufficiently use your information. Your intelligence isn’t about how much you know, but how much your brain controls the information.

3. The frontal lobe is the last part to develop and in order to keep it from deteriorating, we have to keep challenging ourselves and exercising this part of the brain.

4. The neo cortex navigates your body. It deals with sense, spatial awareness, and motor skills.

5. The pre frontal cortex deals with personality. How you react and behave during a social situation.
6. The pre frontal cortex has a central bottleneck that prevents you from doing more than you can actually accomplish. Multi tasking isn’t a real thing. In reality, your brain is just jumping very quickly from one thing to another.
7. The broca’s are is associated with speech and language development. This is where you can use you hearing to associate with you language and speech.
8. The Somatosensory Cortex is responsible for thinking "is it hot in here or is it just me?"
9. The visual cortex allows us to see distinguish colors and textures. Without it, everyone would look the same.
10. THe occipital lobe is a center for you brain to process information. It collects and organizes visual data. It also helps you process the past, present, and future.
11. If my temporal lobes were damaged, you could forget a lot of easy every day things.
12. Fast brain picks up information very quickly and your mind can also quickly process it.

13. 3 things that influences your synapses is eating omega fatty acids, socializing, and exercising more.

14. The multi-sensory and your dendrites are related in which it can allow you to engage in multiple simulations and real situation. It can help you differentiate the two.

Limbic System
17. The corpus callosum is tied with youe oral language skills and your ability to understand other languages.
18. Studying music can help to strengthen the conversation between the two hemispheres of your brain..

19. The thalamus is important because it is responsible for motor control, sensory information, and states of consciousness. It also has to deal with your memory, your emotions, your consciousness, awareness and attention. Without it, you can’t retrieve different memories.

This tutorial was helpful in whicn I learned about a lot of things that I didn’t know about the brain. I had no idea how complex and interesting thhe brain was. The occipital lobe is a center for you brain to process information. It collects and organizes visual data. It also helps you process the past, present, and future. If my temporal lobes were damaged, you could forget a lot of easy every day things.Fast brain picks up information very quickly and your mind can also quickly process it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Brain Lab

During this lab, we cut open a sheep's brain to observe and analyze the different parts that make a functioning and healthy sheep's brain. We first cut the brain in half horizontally to have a medial plane view of the brain. This is where we saw the cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, thalamus, optic nerve, medulla oblongata. Afterward, we made more cuts (portioned out the brain) to look into the gray and white matter more. After this tab was completed, my group members and I learned a lot about both the anatomy and physiology of different parts of the sheep's brain. In the end, each part in the brain works hand in hand to create a proper brain. This lab was very enlightening because it was very hands on.


2.) The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and it is asscoiated with higher brain function (thoughts and actions properly thought out.) The cerebellum coordinates voluntary movement and balance. The brain stem regulates heart rate, breathing, sleeping and eating. The anterior is the front side of the brain while posterior is the back side of the brain.

3.) The myelin sheath is part of the nervous system. Without the myelin sheet, nerve impulses break down and shrivel up. This is the cause of sclerosis. If the myelin sheath is functioning properly, then it increases the speed of impulses.


5.) The thalamus relays and processing center for sensory and motor info. THe optic nerve takes info from the retina to the brain. The medulla oblongata regulate breathing, hear, and blood vessel, digestion, sneezking, and swallowing. Pons is a brainstem structure that regulates the brain during sleep and little movement. The midbrain is involved with vision, hearing, motor control, sleep, and temp regulation. Corpus Callosum is a communication link between the left and right cerebral hemisphere. The hypothalamus is where the brain's blood testing laboratory, constantly monitoring the blood to determine the body's condition.
