Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Unit 5 Reflection

This unit was about our metabolism and and digestive system, basically how our body breaks down food and absorbs food. A main part of what we learned is that digestion breaks down the food we have consumed, and then afterward, all of the nutrition is taken in through the blood stream.

I believe that this unit was interesting because I never knew about what happened after I put something in my body. I found a lot of the topics more relatable to my daily life. However, there are some of the topics that I simply found boring, like the lymphatic system, but that is all based on personal preference. I tried to also study an hour every day for this class, but unfortunately, I was unable to due to being busy with other classes.

My favorite part of this unit was the digestive system lab. It was a fun and interactive lab that teaches you to appreciate your organs and to not underestimate them.

I want to learn more about what happens after we fully digest a food, when it has come out of the anus. After we flush everything down the toilet, where exactly does it go?

I believe that my New Year Goal requires a lot of time and cannot be accomplished overnight. I'm working hard every day, step by step, to reach my goals. Moving forward, I just have to continue working hard.

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