Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's Goals

My two SMART goals for this semester are to be more organized and to manage my time better. I think these two goals go hand-in-hand so it will be a attainable and timely goal. I'll start by waking up at one set time every day, eating at a set time every day, and to make myself drink water throughout the day. Then I will eventually transition to my school work by organizing binders, folder, pencil case, etc. I also want to stick to a strict regime of keeping my room and closet neat, organized, and clean at all times. I have a tendency to mess everything up after a couple days I clean and organize it. As for managing my time, I'll make sure to finish all of my homework right after school and study 20 minutes of each subject per day so I don't feel so crammed during test days. If I try my hardest and stick to my plan, I believe that I will grow and become and even more mature and independent individual by the end of the semester.

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