Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Unit 5 Reflection

This unit was about our metabolism and and digestive system, basically how our body breaks down food and absorbs food. A main part of what we learned is that digestion breaks down the food we have consumed, and then afterward, all of the nutrition is taken in through the blood stream.

I believe that this unit was interesting because I never knew about what happened after I put something in my body. I found a lot of the topics more relatable to my daily life. However, there are some of the topics that I simply found boring, like the lymphatic system, but that is all based on personal preference. I tried to also study an hour every day for this class, but unfortunately, I was unable to due to being busy with other classes.

My favorite part of this unit was the digestive system lab. It was a fun and interactive lab that teaches you to appreciate your organs and to not underestimate them.

I want to learn more about what happens after we fully digest a food, when it has come out of the anus. After we flush everything down the toilet, where exactly does it go?

I believe that my New Year Goal requires a lot of time and cannot be accomplished overnight. I'm working hard every day, step by step, to reach my goals. Moving forward, I just have to continue working hard.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Digestive System Lab

1. The organs of the digestive system are all measurable and it puts into perspective on how small or big certain organs are.

Digestive System
Color and Length (cm)
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
917.5 cm

2. The length of my digestive system is around nine times my height. Even though my digestive system is so much longer than my height, it still fits into my body because the small intestine and large intestine are folded and proportionally placed, thus fitting into one body.

3. I think food takes around 5 hours to move through my entire digestive system.
I looked it up and it actually takes 6-8 hours for food to digest. I was 1-3 hours off.
The factors that influence the time it takes for our food to digest is how well the food we ate breaks down, how each organ is functioning, and how long food contracts through each specific digestive system.

4. Digestion (mouth, stomach) is what chemically and physically breaks down food. The nutrients released is absorbed (small intestine) into the bloodstream.

5. A question I have is if we someone didn't have a well-functioning digestive system, how will that be treated?

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's Goals

My two SMART goals for this semester are to be more organized and to manage my time better. I think these two goals go hand-in-hand so it will be a attainable and timely goal. I'll start by waking up at one set time every day, eating at a set time every day, and to make myself drink water throughout the day. Then I will eventually transition to my school work by organizing binders, folder, pencil case, etc. I also want to stick to a strict regime of keeping my room and closet neat, organized, and clean at all times. I have a tendency to mess everything up after a couple days I clean and organize it. As for managing my time, I'll make sure to finish all of my homework right after school and study 20 minutes of each subject per day so I don't feel so crammed during test days. If I try my hardest and stick to my plan, I believe that I will grow and become and even more mature and independent individual by the end of the semester.