Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sheep Heart Lab

Q1: What is the purpose of the pericardium?

The purpose of the pericardium is to secret fluids to lubricate the heart and reduce friction. It is basically a double sac of serous membranes.

Q2: Observe the blood vessels connecting to the heart. How do arteries differ from veins in their structure?

The arteries differ from the veins in which the walls of the arteries are thicker than that of veins.

Q3: Place your finger inside the auricle. What function do you think the auricle serves?

The auricle is an extension of the atria.

Q4: Observe the external structures of the atria and ventricles. What differences do you observe?

The walls of the ventricles are thicker than the atria.

Q5: Describe the coronary sinus, inferior vena cava, Right Atrioventricular Valve (Tricuspid Valve)

The coronary sinus receives blood from the coronary veins and it empties out to the right atrium in the heart. The inferior vena cava is a large vein that transfers blood to the heart.

Q6: Draw a picture of the tricupsid valve, including chordate tendinae and the papillary muscle.

Q7: Why is the "anchoring" of the heart valves by the chordate tendinae and the papillary muscle important to heart function?

The "anchoring of the heart valves by the chordate tendinae and the papillary muscle are important to the heart's function because it opens to allow blood to flow from the atrium to the ventricles. If it weren't for this, the heart would not be functioning properly.

Q8: Using pictures and/or words describe what you see.

As what I have learned, I see the bicuspid valve in the middle of the right atrium and the right ventricle with two cusps around the chordate tendinae attached onto in.

Q9: What is the function of the semi-lunar valves?

The semi-lunar valves have flaps that blocks blood from flowing back to the heart.

Q10: Valvular heart disease is when one of more heart valves does not work properly. Improperly functioning heart valves can lead to regurgitation, which is the backflow of blood through a leaky valve. Ultimately this can lead to congestive heart failure, a condition that can be life threatening.

a. If the valve disease occurs on the right side of the heart, it results in swelling in the feet and ankles. Why might this happen? 

The right side of the heart fails where it cannot pump blood to the lungs as fast anymore. Therefore, the blood gets clogged that causes swelling in areas like the feet and ankles.

b. If the valve disease occurs on the left side of the heart, what complications would you expect to see?

Since the left side of the heart pumps more of the blood, it has to work even harder now to pump the same amount of blood as it use to.

Q11: Using pictures and/or words describe what you see.

I see the bicuspid valve that directs to the right ventricle. Then it leads up to the aortic semilunar valve. Then I see the anterior surface of the heart where the coronary arteries are located.

Q12:Describe how the left and right sides of the heart differ from each other.

The right side of the heart pumps blood to lungs to get oxygen while the left side of the heart receives the oxygen blood. It then pumps it to the body.

Q13: Draw and label all structures visible in the interior of the cross-section.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Unit 3 Reflection

This unit was all about the cardiovascular system. Not only did we learn about the heart, but we learned about everything else that is surrounding the heart (arteries, veins, etc.) Through this, we learn the anatomy of the circulatory system as well as the physiology. This gives us insight on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep these parts of our body functioning in a healthy and normal fashion.
The cardiovascular system is a complex network in our body that uses a series of tubes (vessels, veins, arteries) to transfer nutrients and removes waste within a multicellular animal.
Cardiovascular health is what we do to avoid cardiovascular diseases. This calls for living a healthy lifestyle of exercise and clean eating. Heart attacks are often caused from atherosclerosis lack of exercise, overweight, vasoconstrictor, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, HBP, or high cholesterol. Although sometimes genetics play a huge roll on whether or not you get this disease, but usually, if one is doing everything for a healthy lifestyle, they should be able to not be affected by this.

(Was absent for heart chalk walk.)

My family has a history from getting strokes/heart attacks so I am very aware of a lot that we have learned this unit. My mom had a high cholesterol and changed her lifestyle by going on marathons, eating clean, and keeping a positive mentality. The doctors tell her that she is doing great and all she has to do is keep up her good habits. My mother is teaching me about a better lifestyle and I am slowly becoming more aware about how important it is to take care of yourself.

This unit, I was gone a lot because of a hectic schedule of traveling and getting sick. I was gone for a couple lectures. But thankfully, Mr. Orre posted the lectures online and it really helped. Although it was a struggle to keep up, I felt that I learned so much more about cardiovascular diseases than what I already knew. Heart attack is a topic I take personally just because my family has a long history of it. This unit has given me a way better understanding on why it happens. I really focused on the prevention aspect of it all. I wish I focused more on the other important topics we learned this unit for a more well-rounded learning experience. I feel that I have improved as a student this unit because I think I juggled my hectic schedule with anatomy and physiology, other school classes, and extracurriculars as best as I could. I worked very hard and although not everything came out perfectly, I'm just happy that I tried and worked really hard to accomplish my set goals.

I kind of achieved my goal from unit 2 by sleeping on the airplane or at home when I was sick. I knew not to push myself too far and I was more aware of my well-being. For the remainder of the semester, I just want to finish all of my classes strong and get all my college applications sent in for a relaxing break and second semester senior year.